NiftyIN Global Show - Day 2 - Jakarta [ EN & ZH ]

NiftyIN Global Show - Day 2 - Jakarta

Prompt: In Jakarta at seven in the evening, just after a thunderstorm has ended, the water on the streets has yet to dry. This scene is depicted by Affandi, showcasing his expressionist style. --s 720 --v 5 --ar 16:9

Local time: 19:00 19th May 2023 (Friday) (GMT+7)

Local weather: thunderstorm

City name: Jakarta

Artist: Affandi

Artistic style: Expressionism

City Introduction: Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia, serving as the country’s political, economic, and cultural center. Located on the northern coast of Java Island, Jakarta is densely populated and boasts a rich and diverse arts and cultural scene. The city showcases a variety of artistic styles and influences, attracting artists and cultural enthusiasts alike.

One of the renowned artists in its history is Affandi, who is among Indonesia’s most prominent artists known for his expressionist style. Affandi’s works are characterized by passion and personal expression, conveying emotions and moods through color and texture. His works extensively showcase the diversity and cultural vibrancy of Jakarta.

NiftyIN 环球展第二天 - 雅加达

Prompt: In Jakarta at seven in the evening, just after a thunderstorm has ended, the water on the streets has yet to dry. This scene is depicted by Affandi, showcasing his expressionist style. --s 720 --v 5 --ar 16:9

当地时间: 19:00 2023年5月19日(星期五) (GMT+7)

当地天气: 雷阵雨

城市名称: 雅加达(Jakarta)

著名艺术家: 阿凡迪(Affandi)

艺术风格: 表现主义

城市介绍: 雅加达是印度尼西亚的首都和最大城市,也是该国政治、经济和文化中心。雅加达位于爪哇岛的北岸,人口众多,拥有丰富多样的艺术和文化场景。这座城市展示了多种风格和影响的艺术,吸引着艺术家和文化爱好者。


活动反馈 & 建议

:smiley: NiftyIN Fans, 活动刚刚开始,求求大家多提建议,这不仅是 NiftyIN 的环球,也是大家的寰球。

NiftyIN 环球展系列帖

1 个赞

@NiftyIN 为了调动大家的积极性,我建议你采用投票+VRF抽城市的方式,然后猜中的用户瓜分 10 USDT之类的法子,不仅可以增加活动的趣味性,同时也可以让社区氛围变得更加愉悦。撸毛嘛,我也喜欢。


  • 巴黎
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  • 柏林

0 投票人

所有参与投票的人,把自己的 EVM 地址都贴上去,等到下午三点或四点的时候,你调用VRF进行开奖,同时公示合约地址与交易Hash,当然直接使用PlatON VRF是最方便的。因为是七个城市,所以你的随机数要记得模 7 。

有多少人中奖,就瓜分那个 10 USDT,这可比瓜分 LAT 刺激。

1 个赞


1 个赞

10 USDT 如果是瓜分的话,Gas 费用也是一笔不小的支出。1000 $LAT 怎么样?价值差不多,而且可以节约 Gas 费用。

1 个赞