NiftyIN Global Show - Day 8 - Cairo [ EN & ZH ]

NiftyIN Global Show - Day 8 - Cairo

Prompt: Cairo, 2:00 PM, sunny, Islamic art, cityscape, created by Salah Taher. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

Local time: 14:00 on May 25, 2023 (Thursday) (GMT+2)

Local weather: Sunny

City name: Cairo

Artist: Salah Taher

Artistic style: Islamic art

City Introduction: Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city is home to numerous historical landmarks, including the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Cairo is also a center for Islamic art, with many artists like Salah Taher contributing to the city’s vibrant art scene.

NiftyIN环球展 Day 8 - 开罗

Prompt: Cairo, 2:00PM, sunny, Islamic art, cityscape, created by Salah Taher. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

当地时间: 14:00 2023年5月25日(星期四) (GMT+2)

当地天气: 晴朗

城市名称: 开罗

著名艺术家: Salah Taher

艺术风格: 伊斯兰艺术

城市介绍: 开罗,埃及的首都,以其丰富的历史和文化遗产而闻名。这座城市拥有许多历史地标,包括大金字塔和狮身人面像。开罗也是伊斯兰艺术的中心,许多艺术家如Salah Taher为这座城市的艺术生态做出了贡献。

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