Help with init project PlatON-Go

Hello, guys i tried a lot of ways how to instal install private network.
I tried

I tried all of these ways. No one can’t be done successfully.
Somewhere link expired. In most of scenario have problems Makefile like that

I waste 2 days to try it.
I four times reinstall ubuntu and tried to install as official guide. Nothing help.
Help me pls.
Can someone try to install official guide platon?


I tried to set up private network and then create node as it is in guide.

I got this exception on sudo make all in PlatON-Go folder

你这个做法太麻烦了,不要使用 Go 去 make,如果你是想部署PlatON主网节点,那么直接参考此教程:

please let me know:

  1. Your OS version
  2. Your golang version
  3. PlatON-Go 's branch[if not develop]
    I’ll try to fix this in your situation

Hello! If you need something else, let me know.


The code is compiling fine, I used the same environment as you to compile PlatON-Go with the following message:

jht@jht:~/go/src/$ go version
go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64
jht@jht:~/go/src/$ sudo lsb_release -a
[sudo] password for jht: 
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release:        22.04
Codename:       jammy
jht@jht:~/go/src/$ ./build/bin/platon version
Version: 1.5.0-unstable
Git Commit: 9d3ec224bea63be92fba399a55fd01963b791858
Git Commit Date: 20241122
Architecture: amd64
Go Version: go1.18.1
Operating System: linux

Before compiling the code you have to install some dependencies as mentioned in the readme, such as libgmp-dev libssl-dev, etc. and compile it after executing go mod tidy, of course you have to make sure that your network is OK!

my ENV info

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Whats system configuration did you have? HDD, RAM, processor?

I will try more precisely do it. Thanks you


sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install golang-go


sudo apt install cmake


sudo apt install build-essential


sudo apt install gcc

After it i make

sudo apt install libgmp-dev libssl-dev
git clone GitHub - PlatONnetwork/PlatON-Go: Golang implementation of the PlatON protocol --recursive
cd PlatON-Go && go mod tidy && go mod download
sudo make all


Am i idiot or what?

clean image

Are you sure your branch is develop?

Are you getting errors when running go mod tidy?

It has nothing to do with whether the disc is SSD or not.

git checkout -b develop origin/develop

try this?

Run make all without sudo

when make “sudo make all” if i make without sudo i getting

I have ssd on mac mini m2 pro.

Are you using Ubuntu 22.04 in a virtual machine?
This is not recommended.
You can reclone the repository and compile the code in a brand new directory without sudo, if it still doesn’t work it’s recommended to use a separate Ubuntu

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Ok, i tried it and doesnt help. I will look good vps.

I bought vps with ubuntu and everything is done. Thanks everyone for help. But its a little bit strange, why platon cant build on virtual ubuntu.

PlatON has not been verified on the M2, this issue may have something to do with the instruction set.

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