MetaMask PlatON MainNetwork ChainID modification reminder (ChainID:210425)
PlatON has been upgraded to V1.3.0 on 2022/11/9 by proposal vote. Since the new version will no longer support ChainID:100, all applications must use ChainID:210425 to connect to the PlatON MainNetwork.
About the change of PlatON MainNetwork ChainID in MetaMask:
Way 1: Modify the ChainID.
Please go to “Settings-Networks”, find “PlatON MainNetwork” and change the ChainID to 210425.
Way 2: Add PlatON MainNetwork with ChainID 210425
Use Chainlist to search PlatON, and add the PlatON MainNetwork with ChainID 210425 to MetaMask
The original added ChainID:100 PlatON Mainnetwork can be deleted
MetaMask PlatON主网ChainID修改提醒(新ChainID:210425)
PlatON已于2022/11/9 经提案投票升级到V1.3.0版本。由于新版本将不再支持ChainID:100,因此所有应用必须使用ChainID:210425才能连接到PlatON主网络。
关于MetaMask中 PlatON主网络 ChainID更改说明
请在Settings-Networks,找到PlatON MainNetwork进行修改,修改ChainID为210425。