[SA Tutorials] Gameplay Introduction (IV): MARKET

1. In-game NFT Assets

All products in StoneAeon are implemented as NFT assets to demonstrate the user’s asset sovereignty in the game.

In StoneAeon, NFT assets mainly include:
(B) Character NFTs;
(C) Equipment NFTs (clothing and weapons);
(D) Pet NFTs;
(E) General-purpose governance tokens (SCGT and LAT);
(F) Lucky stones (Lucky stones cannot be transferred/traded and are in-game assets that are consumed for mining)
(G) In-game token SAET (SEAT cannot be transferred/traded. SEAT tokens are in-game assets obtained via mining and can be used for buying lucky stones or conducting synthesis upgrades)

In StoneAeon, character NFTs and blind-box avatar SANFTs facilitate the execution of the game’s core events and are minted/obtained through purchase. To enable the sound development of the StoneAeon world and prevent the frequent occurrence of zombie accounts that hinder growth, a certain economic cost is set for minting character NFTs and SANFTs.

The initial minting cost of character NFTs and SANFTs in StoneAeon is set at 2,022 LAT.

Equipment NFTs (clothing and weapons) and pet NFTs are also some of the primary elements that determine the computing power of in-game characters (the computing power of a character depends on the sum of the computing power of its clothing, weapons, and pets, as well as the SANFT bonus). Equipment NFTs can be mined through the EQUIPMENT MINING SCENE and the PET HUNTING SCENE or purchased via MARKET transactions.

The general-purpose governance token SCGT is the main currency for in-game asset transactions. SCGT is primarily distributed to users as a reward for participating in SCGT AIRDROP and community-driven events in the SA ecosystem. LAT, on the other hand, is PlatON’s mainnet coin and is obtained via the corresponding channels. In addition, users may also acquire SCGT and LAT via the Token Exchange function in MARKET, which calls the DipoleSwap interface real-time prices.

2. In-game MARKET for Asset Transactions

In StoneAeon, users can exchange tokens (LAT and SCGT) via MARKET, which calls the DipoleSwap interface. In MARKET, users can also trade in-game NFT assets.

2.1. Token Exchange

2.1.1. Exchange SCGT for LAT

2.1.2. Exchange LAT for SCGT

2.2. In-game NFT Transactions

StoneAeon’s MARKET also enables the transaction of equipment NFTs (clothing and weapons), pet NFTs, SANFTs, and character NFTs.

2.2.1. Sellers

Users can sell their equipment NFTs (clothing and weapons) by tapping the target NFT in BOX, and the sell order will be generated and become available in MARKET once sellers set up the price.

Users may also sell their pet NFTs by tapping the target NFT in BOX, and the sell order will be generated and become available in MARKET once sellers set up the price.

Users can check their sell orders through “YOUR ORDERS” within MARKET and withdraw their sell orders;

Additionally, SA users can sell their SANFTs by tapping the target SANFT in BOX, and the sell order will be generated and become available in MARKET once sellers set up the price.

Users can sell their character NFTs by tapping the target NFT in the character list, and the sell order will be generated and become available in MARKET once sellers set up the price.

Character NFTs can only be sold when they are not staked;
When a character NFT is sold, the equipment and pets it wears will also be sold.

2.2.2. Buyers

Through MARKET, buyers can check the NFT assets listed by sellers. They can also view specific attributes of an asset by tapping its icon. After tapping “PURCHASE”, buyers must confirm the price and make a contract payment. The NFT asset purchased will be added to their BOX or character list upon successful payment.

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