

The team completely ignores the questions of coin owners, and answers only when the information is no longer valuable. I advise you to look at my comments in this forum thread and make sure that you have a negligent attitude towards people. I understand that we have little and for them it is a very small amount of money, but this perfectly shows the policy of the project, people are nobody, money and control over the project are everything for them. the project will achieve great success if they are ready to treat people like this and conscience means nothing. well done everyone


Please follow the instructions provided in the exchange announcement:https://www.gate.io/announcements/article/43162

On the ATP registration platform, you only need to complete the ‘ATP binding’ step!

All other information should be submitted via email.


  1. gate 交易所已经关闭了ATP充值入口,所以没有办法把ATP充值到 gate 完成转换。

  2. ATP平台的地址已经已经验证过了,但是LAT地址无法设置,因为系统提示“ATP持有人登记已经结束,无法操作”。

You just need:

  1. Download ATON
  2. Create ATP
  3. Transfer ATP to your ATON wallet
  4. Visit the special website from Gate
  5. Register using your email
  6. Send ATP from Gate to your ATON
  7. Confirm your wallet at registration pool site ( you will receive email after you linked your ATP )
  8. Send special amount ATP to the address received by email
    This message looks like

After these steps you will see status is Verified
9) Then you should write to support@alaya.network with Email subject: Alaya Holder Reward Application and attach your ATP address and your LAT address, where you want receive your LAT. (Email should be same as you registered on site)
10) Wait

PS: The email you write from must be the same one you registered with

Answer above

第6步无法操作,因为 Gate 已经关闭了 ATP 的充值入口。

Step 6 cannot be performed because the Gate has closed the ATP recharge entrance.

Just click Withdraw its possible. I did it.



期待能够尽早收到 LAT。

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