Hello guys, i don’t understand how to interact with “transfer” method. I saw in documents how to interact with simplest call method, but how to transfer my tokens contract - no info.
I do it like this
var privateKey = “”;
var w3 = new Web3(“https://openapi2.platon.network/rpc”, privateKey);
var abi = @"[]";
var contractAddress = “”; // 13
var contract = w3.PlatON.GetContract(abi, contractAddress); // 14
var name = contract.GetFunction(“symbol”).Call(); // 15
var toAddress = “”;
Console.WriteLine(name); // 16
var hexAddress = ConvertLatToHex(toAddress);
var gasLimit = new HexBigInteger(90000);
var transferResult = await contract.GetFunction(“transfer”).SendTransactionAsync(
from: “lat1auhyy5lgwsvlwn35lg2rkx2e5u6lqu9ufjd7kv”,
gas: gasLimit,
gasPrice: null,
value: new BigInteger(10000).ToHexBigInteger(),
nonce: null,
hexAddress, new BigInteger(1000000) ); // 17
And i got failure of my transaction