Alaya Network Service Termination Announcement |Alaya 网络停止运营公告

Alaya Network Service Termination Announcement

Dear Alaya Community Members and Node Operators,

We extend our sincere gratitude for your trust and support of the Alaya Network. As the pioneering network for the PlatON mainnet, Alaya has successfully accomplished its mission. With the forthcoming critical upgrade of the PlatON Network, Alaya will conclude its current operations after the Alaya Network ATP Holder Registration process is completed. Following this transition, Alaya will be reintroduced as part of the PlatON ecosystem, contributing to its payment and settlement infrastructure.

To ensure the seamless receipt of your contributions and rewards, we kindly request all participants to take the following actions:

1. Unstaking and Node Decommissioning

Node staking assets are subject to a lock-in period of 1,806,000 blocks (approximately 22 days). All node operators are strongly encouraged to initiate the unstaking process prior to block height 122,920,902 (expected timestamp: December 28, 2024, 18:15 UTC+8) to facilitate an orderly withdrawal from the Alaya Network.

Important: Do not terminate node operations immediately after initiating unstaking. Ensure the node’s status changes to “Exiting” before shutting down to avoid penalties.

Reference for Unstaking Process:
Unstaking Guide

Once staking assets are unlocked and credited, please complete the ATP Holder Registration process for all your ATP holdings by the deadline of block height 124,793,880 (expected timestamp: January 19, 2025, 23:59 UTC+8).

ATP Holder Registration Portal:

2. Incentivized Early Registration

To ensure the stability of the Alaya Network during the transition period, the LatticeX Foundation will deploy an additional 20 foundation-operated consensus nodes. These nodes are exclusively for maintaining network stability and will not participate in staking rewards distribution.

To mitigate potential delegation losses during the migration and to acknowledge your timely cooperation, the foundation has allocated a 250,000 ATP reward pool. Participants who complete registration by block height 123,439,124 (expected timestamp: January 3, 2025, 23:59 UTC+8) will receive rewards proportional to their registered ATP holdings. Rewards will be distributed no later than January 17, 2025, 23:59 Singapore Time.

We appreciate your collaboration and understanding during this transition. We look forward to building a stronger future together on the PlatON Network!

Thank you,
The Alaya Team

Alaya 网络停止运营公告

尊敬的 Alaya 用户及节点贡献者:

感谢您对 Alaya 网络的支持与信任。作为 PlatON 主网络的先行网络,Alaya 已圆满完成其历史使命。与此同时,PlatON 网络也即将启动关键升级。现有 Alaya 网络作为先行服务,将在 Alaya 网络 ATP 持有者登记 活动结束后,逐步停止服务和维护。在此之后,Alaya 将会以新的面貌出现在 PlatON 支付清算网络建设的生态序列中。

在此,我们衷心感谢所有 Alaya 用户与网络节点的贡献与支持。为了确保您能够顺利获得 Alaya 网络的贡献奖励,请务必尽快完成以下操作:


节点质押金需要锁定 1,806,000 个区块(约22天),建议所有节点在 Alaya 网络 区块高度 122,920,902(预计时间 2024年12月28日18:15 UTC+8)前发起节点解质押,有序退出 Alaya 网络节点。


解质押操作参考: 解质押指南

节点质押金解锁到账后,请务必在 Alaya 网络 ATP 持有者登记 活动截止时间前,即 区块高度达到 124,793,880(预计时间 2025年1月19日23:59 UTC+8)前,按照登记流程完成所有 ATP 的持有登记。

ATP 持有者登记平台:


为了减少 Alaya 网络节点退出对 ATP 持有者登记的影响,LatticeX 基金会将新增部署 20个基金会节点 作为共识节点,确保 Alaya 网络稳定运行至 ATP 持有者登记结束。增设的基金会节点将不参与任何收益奖励的分配。

为了补偿您在登记转换阶段可能遇到的委托损失,并感谢您的支持与配合,我们特别设立了 250,000 ATP 奖励池 。凡在 Alaya 网络 区块高度达到 123,439,124(预计时间 2025 年 1 月 3 日23:59 UTC+8)之前完成登记的用户,均将按登记的 ATP 持有比例获得奖励。奖励将于 新加坡时间 2025年1月17日23:59分 前完成发放。

感谢您的理解与配合,期待与您在 PlatON 网络上继续携手前行!

Alaya 团队

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