基于 HyperLiquid Exchange 的现货量化交易系统指南
- 备注:PlatON 在此处作为平台收单链,Python 版本是 3.10.16
安装 SDK
pip install hyperliquid-python-sdk
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install eth_account
创建 config.json
"comments": "",
"secret_key": "你的 HyperLiquid 交易所的 API 密钥",
"account_address": "你的 HyperLiquid 交易所的账号地址",
创建 utils.py
import json
import os
import eth_account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from hyperliquid.exchange import Exchange
from hyperliquid.info import Info
def setup(base_url=None, skip_ws=False):
config_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.json")
with open(config_path) as f:
config = json.load(f)
account: LocalAccount = eth_account.Account.from_key(config["secret_key"])
address = config["account_address"]
if address == "":
address = account.address
print("Running with account address:", address)
if address != account.address:
print("Running with agent address:", account.address)
info = Info(base_url, skip_ws)
user_state = info.user_state(address)
spot_user_state = info.spot_user_state(address)
margin_summary = user_state["marginSummary"]
if float(margin_summary["accountValue"]) == 0 and len(spot_user_state["balances"]) == 0:
print("Not running the example because the provided account has no equity.")
url = info.base_url.split(".", 1)[1]
error_string = f"No accountValue:\nIf you think this is a mistake, make sure that {address} has a balance on {url}.\nIf address shown is your API wallet address, update the config to specify the address of your account, not the address of the API wallet."
raise Exception(error_string)
exchange = Exchange(account, base_url, account_address=address)
return address, info, exchange
创建 spot_order.py
import json
import utils as utils
from hyperliquid.utils import constants
def main():
# 如果是测试网,base_url 修改为 constants.TESTNET_API_URL
address, info, exchange = utils.setup(base_url=constants.MAINNET_API_URL, skip_ws=True)
# 获取账号状态并输出信息
spot_user_state = info.spot_user_state(address)
if len(spot_user_state["balances"]) > 0:
print("spot balances:")
for balance in spot_user_state["balances"]:
print(json.dumps(balance, indent=2))
print("no available token balances")
# 限价委托,挂单设置
# exchange.order(<币对>, <True: 买入; False: 卖出> <数量>, <限价>, <挂单方式,Gtc 是指一直等到成交结束>)
# 切记,最低挂单 10 USDC,即 数量*限价 >=10
order_result = exchange.order(PURR, True, 30, 0.35, {"limit": {"tif": "Gtc"}})
# 查询订单状态
if order_result["status"] == "ok":
status = order_result["response"]["data"]["statuses"][0]
if "resting" in status:
order_status = info.query_order_by_oid(address, status["resting"]["oid"])
print("Order status by oid:", order_status)
# 取消订单
# if order_result["status"] == "ok":
# status = order_result["response"]["data"]["statuses"][0]
# if "resting" in status:
# cancel_result = exchange.cancel(PURR, status["resting"]["oid"])
# print(cancel_result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
另外,再提示一下,如果 exchange.order(“HYPE”, ……) 则是 prep 交易