data service

data service

The data subject of the Metis technology architecture for privacy computing networks can start data nodes locally or encrypt and host data to the data nodes. When receiving a computation request, the data node uses secret sharing to shard the data and distributes it to randomly selected computation nodes for secure multi-party computation. The calculation task and selection of calculation nodes require consensus confirmation among multiple data nodes. Data nodes can also encrypt data through homomorphic encryption, distribute it to computing nodes for outsourced computing, and use verifiable computing algorithms to validate the returned computation results and proofs.

Metis is a privacy computing network based on blockchain technology, aimed at achieving secure sharing and computation of data. Its technical architecture mainly includes the following aspects:

  1. Data nodes: Data nodes are a key component of the Metis network, responsible for storing and processing data. The data subject can choose to start the data node locally or encrypt and host the data to the data node. This can protect data privacy and fully utilize the computing resources of data nodes.

  2. Secret sharing: When a data node receives a computation request, it will use a secret sharing algorithm to shard the data and distribute the shards to randomly selected computation nodes. In this way, each computing node can only see a portion of the data, ensuring the security of the data.

  3. Secure multiparty computation: After receiving data shards, the computing node performs secure multiparty computation (SMC) according to predetermined computing tasks. SMC is a technology that performs computing tasks in a distributed manner among multiple parties to ensure that privacy information is not leaked during the computing process.

  4. Consensus mechanism: The decision-making of computing tasks and selecting computing nodes needs to be confirmed through consensus mechanism among multiple data nodes. The Metis network adopts a consensus mechanism based on Proof of Stake (PoS) to ensure the security and stability of the network.

  5. Homomorphic encryption: Data nodes can also encrypt data through homomorphic encryption and distribute it to computing nodes for outsourced computing. Homomorphic encryption is an encryption technique that allows for direct computation in an encrypted state without the need for decryption. This makes it impossible for computing nodes to access raw data, thus protecting data privacy.

  6. Verifiable computation: To ensure the accuracy of the computation results, Metis network uses verifiable computation algorithms to validate the returned computation results and computational proofs. This allows data subjects to verify the correctness of calculation results without the need to understand the specific calculation process.

  7. Smart Contracts: Metis Network also utilizes smart contract technology to automate the execution of computing tasks, manage network resources, and reward computing nodes. Smart contracts are based on blockchain technology, which can ensure the security and reliability of execution results.