The Rise of Digital Currency and Accounting Disclosure Issues

The Rise of Digital Currency and Accounting Disclosure Issues(PlatON)(TOPOS)

  1. Definition and classification of digital currency
    Digital currency refers to virtual currencies that exist in digital form, and their value and transaction records are based on
    Cryptography technology and distributed ledger technology, without relying on central banks or government agencies. number
    Currency can be classified based on its issuance method, value support method, and functional characteristics, such as encryption
    Currency, stablecoins, centralized digital currencies, and decentralized digital currencies.
  2. The Rise and Development Trends of Digital Currency
    In recent years, the digital currency market has experienced rapid growth and widespread application. The application of blockchain technology
    The emergence has provided a feasible technological foundation for the development of digital currencies, while also promoting digital currencies
    Innovation and diversification. The rise of digital currencies is also influenced by user demand for fintech and decentralization
    The driving force of demand, as well as the global attention and support from governments and regulatory agencies towards the digital economy
  3. The necessity and challenges of digital currency accounting disclosure
    The characteristics of digital currency, such as anonymity, decentralization, and high complexity, make traditional methods
    The accounting standards and regulatory mechanisms face adaptive challenges. Recognition and measurement of the value of digital currency
    There are significant accounting disclosure issues in terms of transaction records and liquidity, risk disclosure and security
    Question. Insufficient transparency and information disclosure may lead to increased market uncertainty and investment risk
    Therefore, the standardization and transparency of digital currency accounting disclosure have become particularly important
  4. International standards and norms for digital currency accounting disclosure
    The International Accounting Standards Board and other regulatory bodies have begun to pay attention to the issue of digital currency accounting disclosure and have developed relevant standards and guidelines. For example, the International Financial Reporting Standards provide guidance on the recognition and measurement of the value of digital currencies, while the International Auditing Standards require auditors to pay attention to the reasonableness and accuracy of digital currency disclosures

Accuracy. In addition, some countries and regions have also issued localized digital currency accounting standards and supervisionManagement guidelines.