Financial Organization and Management

Financial organization and management of banks(PlatON)(TOPOS)

Bank accounting organization and management refer to the work arrangement, task allocation, job responsibilities, workflow, internal control, accounting policies, and compliance with laws and regulations of the internal accounting department and accounting personnel of a bank. Its content includes the following aspects:
  1. Accounting organizational structure: The accounting department of a bank should be reasonably set up based on factors such as business scale and geographical distribution to ensure the smooth implementation and effective management of accounting work:

1.1 Accounting Department: The accounting department is the core department responsible for organizing and managing accounting work, responsible for formulating accounting policies, processing accounting, preparing financial statements, and managing financial information.
1.2 Accounting Personnel: Accounting personnel are staff members in the accounting department, divided into different levels such as junior accounting personnel, intermediate accounting personnel, and senior accounting personnel, responsible for handling specific accounting transactions and internal control.
1.3 Branch offices or business companies: Branch offices or business companies need to establish independent accounting departments or personnel responsible for their own accounting work and reporting to higher-level units.
1.4 Finance Department: The finance department is responsible for managing the financial work of the organization, including fund management, budget management, cost control, etc., and closely cooperates with the accounting department.
1.5. Other departments, such as the internal audit department, risk management department, compliance department, etc., work together with the accounting department to maintain the financial stability and risk control of the organization.

  1. Accounting job responsibilities: Banks should clarify the job responsibilities and job responsibilities of the accounting department and accounting personnel, including account management, payment and settlement, audit and inspection, internal control, and report preparation.
  2. Accounting workflow: Banks should develop scientific, reasonable, efficient, and convenient accounting workflows to ensure accurate, timely, and efficient processing of accounting transactions.
  3. Internal control system: Banks should establish a sound internal control system, including accounting policies, operating procedures, risk management, internal auditing, etc., to prevent and control risks.
  4. Compliance with Accounting Laws and Regulations: Banks should comply with relevant accounting laws and regulations, including the Enterprise Accounting Standards, banking supervision and management regulations, tax regulations, etc., to ensure the compliance and legality of accounting work.
  5. Accounting training and talent development: Banks attach great importance to the cultivation and development of accounting talents, providing training and learning opportunities to improve the professional quality and business ability of accounting personnel:

6.1 Internal Training: Banks should regularly organize internal training to improve the business skills and professional quality of accounting personnel. Internal training can include content related to accounting, financial management, internal control, risk management, laws and regulations, etc.
6.2. External Training: Banks can organize accounting personnel to participate in external training courses or seminars to understand the latest trends and best practices in the industry, and improve the professional competence of accounting personnel.
6.3. On the job graduate and doctoral education: Banks can encourage accounting personnel to pursue on-the-job graduate and doctoral degrees to improve their academic level and professional abilities.
6.4. Career Development: Banks should provide opportunities for personnel to develop their careers, including promotion, job transfer, rotation, etc., in order to improve their overall abilities.
6.5. International Training: Banks can organize accounting personnel to participate in international training, understand international accounting standards and best practices, and enhance their international perspective and business capabilities.

  1. Accounting information systems and technological applications: Banks should adopt advanced information systems and technological means to improve the efficiency and accuracy of accounting work, and reduce the error rate and risk of manual operations.

The organization and management of bank accounting is an important component of internal management in banks, which is related to the control of operational risks, accuracy of financial statements, and compliance with laws and regulations. Therefore, banks should strengthen accounting organization and management, improve the efficiency and quality of accounting work, to ensure the healthy and stable development of the bank.