NiftyIN Global Show - Day 18 - Madrid

NiftyIN Global Show - Day 18 - Madrid

Prompt: Madrid, 14:00 PM, sunny, Spanish modernism, cityscape, created by Pablo Picasso. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

Local time: 14:00 on June 4, 2023 (Sunday) (GMT+2)

Local weather: Sunny

City name: Madrid

Artist: Pablo Picasso

Artistic style: Spanish modernism

City Introduction: Madrid, the capital of Spain, is a city known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant arts scene. The city’s art has been influenced by various movements, including Spanish modernism. Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, is celebrated for his works that capture the unique spirit and beauty of Madrid.

NiftyIN环球展 Day 18 - 马德里

Prompt: Madrid, 14:00 PM, sunny, Spanish modernism, cityscape, created by Pablo Picasso. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

当地时间: 14:00 2023年6月4日(星期日) (GMT+2)

当地天气: 晴朗

城市名称: 马德里

著名艺术家: Pablo Picasso

艺术风格: 西班牙现代主义

城市介绍: 马德里,西班牙的首都,以其丰富的文化遗产和活跃的艺术场景而闻名。这座城市的艺术受到了各种运动的影响,包括西班牙现代主义。20世纪最有影响力的艺术家之一Pablo Picasso,以其捕捉马德里独特精神和美丽的作品而受到赞誉。

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