NiftyIN Global Show - Day 13 - Moscow [ EN & ZH ]

NiftyIN Global Show - Day 13 - Moscow

Prompt: Moscow, 3:00 PM, snow, socialist realism, cityscape, created by Isaak Brodsky. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

Local time: 15:00 on May 30, 2023 (Tuesday) (GMT+3)

Local weather: Snow

City name: Moscow

Artist: Isaak Brodsky

Artistic style: Socialist, realism

City Introduction: Moscow, the capital of Russia, is known for its unique architecture, historical landmarks like the Kremlin and Red Square, and its vibrant arts scene. The city’s art is heavily influenced by socialist realism, a style that emerged in the Soviet Union, with artists like Isaak Brodsky being one of its most prominent figures.

NiftyIN环球展 Day 13 - 莫斯科

Prompt: Moscow, 3:00 PM, snow, socialist realism, cityscape, created by Isaak Brodsky. --s 1000 --ar 16:9

当地时间: 15:00 2023年5月30日(星期二) (GMT+3)

当地天气: 下雪

城市名称: 莫斯科

著名艺术家: Isaak Brodsky

艺术风格: 社会主义、现实主义

城市介绍: 莫斯科,俄罗斯的首都,以其独特的建筑、历史地标如克里姆林宫和红场以及其活跃的艺术场景而闻名。这座城市的艺术深受社会主义现实主义的影响,这是一种在苏联出现的风格,艺术家如Isaak Brodsky就是其最突出的代表人物。

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