【SA公告】StoneAeon公售結束 | [SA Announcement] StoneAeon public sale ended




5月6日-15日,SANFT Holder每天瓜分80萬SCGT,總計800萬SCGT獎勵等你來拿!
持有SANFT的用戶將優先參與5月中旬的內測活動,屆時還有海量好禮相送!同時,我們將會在遊戲上線前贈送角色NFT到SANFT Holder地址(價值10110 SCGT),請加入我們的社區獲得最新的活動消息:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StoneAeon
Discord: StoneAeon
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @StoneAeon


StoneAeon public sale is over! Thanks to the support of community, all the un-Mint SANFT will be destroyed, let’s move to the next phase of StoneAeon!

Next we will focus on the closed beta version, which expected to be accessible to all holders in mid-May, in company with the various rewarded activities, can’t wait for its launch!

From May 6 to 15, SANFT holders will share 800,000 SCGT giveaways every day, total 8 million SCGT rewards are waiting for you!

SANFT holders will be given priority to play the closed beta in mid-May, which will come with considerable giveaways! Moreover, there will be character NFTs sent to the SANFT holder’s address (worth 10,110 SCGT) before the game goes live. Let’s join the community to keep updated.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/StoneAeon
Discord: StoneAeon
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @StoneAeon

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