[Announcement] ATON version 1.1.2 update ATON1.1.2版本更新公告(20220127)

[Announcement] ATON version 1.1.2 update announcement (20220127)

Main updates in this version.

  • Support custom management of wallet assets and collection lists
  • Support setting receiving amount
  • Support to enter the blockchain browser to view transaction details through transaction Hash
  • Added more interface support for walletconnect protocol
  • Other known bugs and experience optimizations, etc.

Notes on the new version

As the new version supports custom management of wallet assets and collectibles list, in order to avoid disturbing users, non-PlatON native Tokens and collectibles in the wallet have been hidden, if you have corresponding assets or collectibles to use, please follow the tutorial below to add them manually.

This tutorial takes the example of adding “Collectibles”:

1, under the Wallet module, select the corresponding network and switch to the Collectibles page, click on the “+” icon as shown.

2, Enter the “Collectibles Management” page, where you can find the Collectibles you want to add by searching for “Contract Address/Collectibles Symbols”, or you can Look directly at the “Hot Collectibles” list to find the Collectibles you want to add and click the “+” icon on the right to add the Collectibles to the main wallet page.

Update Notes.

**Note: For the security of your wallet, please make sure to complete a backup of your wallet private key before upgrading to the new version! **

Android users

Version number: V1.1.2

Veteran ATON users can download the update directly from within ATON by following the update prompts (GooglePlay channel requires access to the update within the app market).

New users open the PlatON website link: PlatON

Download the update via both [Android Download] and [GooglePlay]. **Please select the original version installation channel for the update when upgrading an older version. **

iOS users

Version number: V1.1.2

Search for “ATON Wallet” in the App Store after logging into your non-Mainland China Apple ID to find and download the update.

Due to the expiry date of Testflight, it is not recommended that you continue to download and install ATON via Testflight.

ATON Operation Guide

ATON Wallet User Manual | PlatON

Risk Warning

Due to relevant policy factors, it is normal for some phones to have an application virus risk alert. For the safety of your assets, please make sure to back up all wallet private keys and mnemonics in ATON to prevent accidental uninstallation and deletion of ATON.




  • 支持自定义管理钱包资产和收藏列表
  • 支持设置接收金额
  • 支持通过交易Hash进入区块链浏览器查看交易详情
  • 新增walletconnect协议更多接口支持
  • 其他已知bug和体验方面的优化等






2,进入“Collectibles Management” 页面,您可以通过搜索”合约地址/ Collectibles 符号“ 查找您要添加的Collectibles,也可以直接查看”Hot Collectibles“列表找到需要添加的Collectibles,点击右侧 “+” 图标即可将Collectibles添加到钱包主页面。



【Android用户 】



新用户打开PlatON官网链接: PlatON Developer

通过【安卓下载】、【GooglePlay】两种方式下载更新。 注意在进行旧版本升级更新时请选择原版本的安装渠道进行更新。

【iOS 用户 】


目前只支持非中国大陆区的App Store下载。登录非中国大陆区Apple ID后在App Store搜索「ATON Wallet」查找并下载更新。




https://devdocs.platon.network/docs/zh-CN/ATON-user-manual/ 2



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