





  • 兼容性提案PIP-2方案实施
  • 同步更新以太坊1.9.0版本的特性
  • 同步合入了以太坊漏洞CVE-2021-39137,详细说明见这里


  • 修复质押节点无法出块的bug #1836
  • 解决web3js未更新bindata问题
  • 修复了预估gas接口不成功问题 #1819
  • 修复fast同步异常终止后FastSyncStatus异常问题 #1775
  • 修复platon_getlogs接口失效问题
  • 修复dockerfile构建失败问题 #1537
  • 修复用订阅接口监听事件,会得到2个相同的log #1867
  • 修复platon_estimateGas 返回的message信息过少问题 #1819


  1. 该版本合并了以太坊1.9.0版本的部分特性,其中包含关于Freezer的特性,详情可参考ethereum-19244
  2. 根据实际测试结果来看,PlatON主网节点升级到1.1.1后存储会开销会有部分提升(例如从16200000块高升级后存储空间将增加约8G)
  3. 因Freezer特性对原数据做了迁移,节点升级后在一段时间内进程会将部分历史数据迁移至Freezer数据库,在此过程中(约1个小时左右):
    a. CPU开销将会比正常运行时有所增加,约为正常状态下负载的2~4倍,数据迁移完成后恢复正常
    b. 少数节点升级重启后会出现内存开销短时增加,数据迁移完成后恢复正常
  4. 迁移后的数据不适用旧版本(1.1.0),建议升级前备份数据(data/platon目录)
  5. 本次升级不涉及记账规则变更,无需链上治理升级,但因修复关键漏洞,建议节点尽快升级


The Copernicus (v1.1.1) release is a patch release of the core development team’s maintenance, which includes the implementation of the EVM compatibility proposal PIP-2 as well as fixes for some known issues.


EVM compatibility proposal PIP-2 solution implementation
Synchronised update of features in Ethereum1.9.0 release
Synchronized incorporation of ethereum vulnerability CVE-2021-39137, detailed description available here


Fix bug that staking nodes cann’t produce blocks #1836
Fix web3js not updating bindata issue
Fix pre-estimated gas interface error #1819
Fix FastSyncStatus exception after abnormal termination #1775
Fix platon_getlogs did not work
Fix the dockerfile build failure issue #1537
Fix the problem that listening to events with the subscription interface gives 2 identical logs #1867
Fix the problem that platon_estimateGas returns too few messages #1819


This release contains some features of ethereum 1.9.0, including the feature on freezer, see ethereum-19244 for details
According to the actual tesging, the storage overhead of PlatON mainnet nodes will be partially increased after upgrading to 1.1.1 (for example, the storage space will be increased by about 8G after upgrading from 16,200,000 block high)
Because of the freezer feature of migrating the original data, the process will migrate some of the historical data to the freezer database for a period of time after the node is upgraded, and during this process (about 1 hour or so)
a. CPU overhead will increase compared to normal operation, about 2~4 times the load in normal state, after the data migration is completed it will return to normal
b. A few nodes will experience a short increase in memory overhead after the upgrade and reboot, which will return to normal after the data migration is completed.
Please pay attention to the resource usage of the host, it is recommended to use swap partition, if possible, you can also choose to upgrade the physical memory of the machine to 16GB
The migrated data is not applicable to the old version (1.1.0), it is recommended to back up the data (data/platon directory) before upgrading
This version does not require an on-chain governance upgrade, but it is recommended that nodes upgrade as soon as possible due to the fixing of critical vulnerabilities