HttpProvider URL, Python SDK Alaya

Failed to obtain hrp automatically.

The following image below is the code snippet I have, It seems there is a problem connecting to the PlatON DevNet through the Python SDK
2021-07-15 02_16_06-PlatONnetwork_client-sdk-python_ A python interface for interacting with the Pla

I get this type of error message below when i try to use the code snippet.
2021-07-15 - client-sdk-python - Visual Studio Code
Please how can I get a usable url for it to work?

It seems that your address is wrong, the head of platon’s address is “lat”.

Used thesame code from the GitHub repo from the file
2021-07-15 03_16_06-PlatONnetwork_client-sdk-python_ A python interface for interacting with the Pla
Could it also be that a wrong address was used?
I also tried checking the connection using w3.isConnected() function, It is False.

Please change the w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(“http://localhost:6789”) to w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(“”), chain_id=210309)

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